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Prisoner still striving for justice after 27 years
"This is a war on the poor"

June 22, 2001 | Page 4

Dear Socialist Worker,

I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to read several of your newspapers, and I find them very interesting and to the point.

It's good that there is someone who has the courage to stand up against the injustice that is practiced in this so-called great country.

Pennsylvania has the largest population sentenced to life in prison in the U.S.--3,700 inmates--and it has an overall population of 38,000 and counting.

All of the state's funds are going to building these human warehouses--also known

as the prison-industrial complex.

When I was put in captivity in 1974, there were only six male institutions and one female.

Today there are close to 30 institutions for men, and another female prison has been in operation for a few years now.

They've hardly built a school here in the last 20 years or so, but in the last 10 to 12 years, many prisons have been built--thanks to Clinton and his so-called "war on crime" and "war on drugs."

The reality is it is a war on the poor.

I'm still striving to get justice, and I will continue to do so until the truth prevails.

And when I'm released, I will continue to speak out against this injustice.

Thank you for your time and the patience to hear me out.

Ameen McKelvie, AF-5156, Chester, Pa.

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