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July 26, 2002 | Issue 415


CEO criminals make workers pay the price
Robbed by Corporate America
Pity the poor CEOs. As wave after wave of corporate scandals splash across the front pages, some are feeling a bit tense. "I feel hunted, suspect--a 'class alien,'" complained Intel CEO Andrew Grove in the Washington Post.

Why Teamsters should vote "no"
What's wrong with UPS deal
The tentative agreement between the Teamsters and UPS announced last week gives part-timers the shaft--and offers only minimal gains for full-timers.


Questions and answers about the crisis
Where is the economy going?
Wall Street just experienced one of the worst-ever weeks in history, with stock prices falling to their lowest level since 1998. Does this mean that the economy will relapse into recession? Socialist Worker answers your questions about the U.S. economy.

A sordid history of wealth and power in the U.S.
Democracy to the high bidder
SW columnist Lance Selfa takes a look at Kevin Phillips' new book Wealth and Democracy, about the cycles of U.S. economic history--between eras of unfettered aggrandizement of the wealthy and periods where ordinary people fight back.

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Ashcroft's plan for "government-sanctioned Peeping Toms"
Big Brother wants you
It sounds like something out of George Orwell's novel 1984. But the Bush administration's plan to recruit millions of people as domestic spies--under the so-called Terrorism Information and Prevention System (TIPS)--is all too real.

The bosses' prescription for reform
The health care bosses bought some insurance of their own last month, showering money on Washington politicians, who returned the favor by limiting their debate on a Medicare prescription drug benefit to proposals that won't do much to help seniors.

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Videotape of LA cops' assault sparks outrage
Beaten by the thugs in blue
People across the country and around the world were outraged last week by a videotape showing Los Angeles-area police assaulting 16-year-old Donovan Jackson.

Feds drag their heels on anthrax suspects
Homegrown terrorism
Why is the federal government dragging its feet on the investigation of last fall's anthrax attacks? The Feds' enthusiasm for investigating the attacks seems to have declined as it became clear that they were carried out by a homegrown terrorist.

Thrown in jail for protesting the SOA
A federal judge in Colombia, Ga., last week sentenced 29 activists to between three and six months in a federal prison and fined them thousands of dollars for the crime of protesting against the School of the Americas last November.

Arming Indonesia's killers
George W. Bush says that the "war against terrorism" is priority number one. Except when the terrorists are on his side.

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U.S. media ignores intensified siege
Israel tightens its stranglehold
You wouldn't know it from U.S. newspapers or TV reports. But the Israeli government has intensified its brutal siege of the West Bank, killing more than 40 Palestinians in the past several weeks--at least 21 of them unarmed civilians and 10 of them children.

Why is the U.S. threatening Bolivia?
Evo Morales and the left-wing Movimiento al Socialismo won second place in Bolivia's presidential election on June 30, stunning politicians, both in Bolivia and abroad, because it reflects a leap in social polarization and anti-imperialist feeling.

Women's occupation forces big oil to cave
Hundreds of Nigerian women ended a 10-day occupation of a giant oil terminal last week with a victory over one of the world's most powerful corporations.

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How drug companies let this horror happen
"In the long run, there's no capitalism without conscience," a somber George W. Bush recently declared, in a failed attempt to boost the declining credibility of corporate culture. But even as Bush spoke of conscience, the statistics emerging from the 14th AIDS International Conference in Barcelona demonstrated the absence of it on a global scale.

Why the family oppresses women
The family is the cornerstone of women's continuing oppression in our society. While the relation between men and women has changed immensely over the past few decades, women remain oppressed.

Corporate crime wave edition
White-collar prisons; Save Martha! Free the housewares!; Heard it through the grapevine

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Mayor attacks strikers
Bus drivers in NYC stick to their guns
Some 1,500 bus workers at three private lines in Queens in New York City are entering their sixth week on strike in a battle against New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg as well as company management.

Will union surrender hundreds of clerks' jobs?
ILWU debates concessions
Massive contract concessions will be at the center of debate at this week's meetings of West Coast longshore workers.

NYU adjuncts vote union
After a two-year unionization drive, adjunct faculty at New York University (NYU) voted to join Adjuncts Come Together-UAW on July 9.

Labor in brief
San Francisco Day Labor; Cook County, Ill., SEIU and AFSCME; Chicago UPS; Wisconsin state employees; Toronto municipal workers; BBJ Linen

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UPS harasses activists with repressive rules
"They violate our dignity"
Dawn Stanger, an activist in Teamsters Local 597 in Vermont, was recently fired from United Parcel Service (UPS) for "stealing time"--having taken a minute to run to her car.

Florida's broken system ruins young lives
Last year, you ran an article about 12-year-old Lionel Tate, charged as an adult with first-degree murder by the state of Florida. Right now, there's a similar case in Pensacola, Fla.

Thank you to SW from TWU Local 100
The membership of Transport Workers Union Local 100 working out of Triboro Coach would like to thank all the men and women of Socialist Worker who donated their time and money to help us in our time of need.

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New book chronicles anti-sweatshop movement
Missing out on the important debates
"What's disgusting? Union busting! What's outrageous? Sweatshop wages!" This chant and others rang through university administration buildings and Nike stores across the nation in 2000.

Standing up against Bush's "new crusade"
The New Crusade by Rahul Mahajan exposes the greed and hypocrisy behind the U.S. war on terrorism.

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