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April 4, 2003 | Issue 447


Bush calls this "liberation"
Stop this war
"I give this pledge to the citizens of Iraq: We're coming with a mighty force to end the reign of your oppressors, " Bush said on March 31. That same day, Bush's "mighty force" unleashed some of the heaviest bombing of the war in Baghdad.

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Victims of the Pentagon's high-tech hell
"Why do they hate the Iraqi people so much?" That was the question that Omar Ismail asked an Associated Press reporter after witnessing the U.S. bombing of the Al-Nasr market in Baghdad last week.

U.S. war plans run into determined resistance
What happened to the "liberation"?
It was supposed to be over in a week or two, with U.S. soldiers welcomed as "liberators." But the first two weeks of the war on Iraq have thrown Washington's plans into turmoil.

Why the Iraqi opposition to U.S. invasion is justified
The right to resist
Iraqis who fight the U.S. invasion are not the puppets of a "dictator." They are right to resist the U.S. invasion--and they deserve the support of the antiwar movement in the U.S.

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Answering a question that faces the antiwar movement
Should we "support our troops"?
The Bush administration's rallying cry to "support our troops" is nothing more than a public relations tool to gain approval for an unpopular war.

The Middle East fight for freedom
Bush and his hawkish advisers believe that the U.S. war on Iraq is the first step to redrawing the map of the Middle East. They are following a long line of imperial powers that have meddled in the region.

Who are the real war criminals?
Iraqis who resist the U.S. invasion are labeled "war criminals." But for the world's most powerful army, bent on conquest, any crime is excused.

Is this a war for Israeli interests?
Is the U.S. war on Iraq driven by Washington's support for Israel? Does Israel have more to gain from this war than the U.S.? Some opponents of the war--from both right and left--wrongly answer "yes" to these questions.

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Corporate media cheerlead the U.S. slaughter in Iraq
Lies, damn lies and Fox News
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. These slogans from George Orwell's nightmarish novel 1984 could describe the nightly news in Bush's America.

Women Air Force cadets sexually assaulted
An academy for rapists
Bush says that his war on Iraq will put an end to human rights atrocities carried out in "torture chambers" and "rape rooms." Meanwhile, more than 50 women have come forward to describe an epidemic of rape and sexual assault at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

Loud-mouth hawk demoted
Selling influence at the Pentagon
Iraq war hawk Richard Perle last week resigned as chair of the Defense Policy Board, the powerful panel that advises the Pentagon, after coming under fire for his cozy connections to corporations looking for favors.

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Largest antiwar rally in Boston since Vietnam
Protesters keep the pressure on
In the largest antiwar rally in Boston since the Vietnam War, some 25,000 people from around New England came out to protest war on Iraq.

Antiwar protests around the world
For the second straight week, protests against the U.S. war on Iraq erupted around the world.

Building a broader movement
We need to keep organizing the widest possible expressions of antiwar opposition--and make sure that the movement speaks not only for the already committed, but for everyone who wants to say no to Bush's war.

Oscars producers couldn't censor the stars
Hollywood takes a stand against war
This year, as bombs fell on Baghdad, the Oscars rolled up the red carpet and toned down the glitz. But antiwar sentiment could be found inside the Oscars ceremony.

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Feds take aim at foreign students
The federal government's witch-hunters have found a new group to attack: Some 580,000 foreign students studying in the U.S.

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Bush's $75 billion war budget
Ripping us off to pay for war
Last week, the Bush administration proposed its emergency budget to pay for the war on Iraq--$75 billion added to a Pentagon budget that was already larger than spending on the next 20 biggest militaries combined.

New challenge to affirmative action
Bush backs racist attack
The future of affirmative action hung in the balance as the U.S. Supreme Court was set to hear arguments April 1 in a lawsuit challenging admission policies at the University of Michigan.

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Union leaders bow to concessions at American
American Airlines is using the threat of bankruptcy to try to extract concessions worth $1.8 billion per year from its three main unions--and labor leaders are going along with the plan.

Labor in brief
New York City hospitals; Tyson; Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center

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Struggling against the system that stole his life
Dennis Williams' fight
I was sad to learn of the death of Dennis Williams at the age of 47. Sad and angry--that Dennis died so young and that he didn't get to enjoy much of his life.

Who do the police "serve and protect"?
It became very apparent to us in Greensboro, N.C., just how much of an "us vs. them" situation it is when dealing with police during a demonstration.

Novels that honor struggles for justice
Howard Fast, internationally acclaimed, best-selling writer of historical and popular novels, died on March 12.

Letters to the editor
Credit card sharks circle for the kill; Hollywood unions oppose witch-hunt; King's legacy of nonviolent struggle; Priced out of an education

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