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September 5, 2003 | Issue 466


Another Vietnam?
Washington's overseer Paul Bremer claims that Iraq "is not a country in chaos." Tell that to the millions of ordinary Iraqis who continue to suffer without electricity, clean water and food.

HERE members on strike at Yale
"This struggle is about dignity"
Some 2,500 workers at Yale University are on strike for better pay and pensions--and dignity.


"Terrorism" or oppostion to occupation?
Behind the bombings in Iraq
The UN bombing was a particularly stark indication of the failure of the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Socialist Worker looks at the resistance to occupation in Iraq--and the real source of the deadly attacks across the country.

Denis Halliday: "The UN failed the Iraqi people"

Government and business leaders gather for the Cancun summit
No to the WTO!
Government officials, business leaders and economic "experts" from around the world will gather next weekend in Mexico for a meeting of the World Trade Organization to work out details of how to plunder the planet.

Sidney Lens chronicles U.S. imperialism's long, bloody history
The Forging of the American Empire
As mainstream publications express both conservative praise and liberal justification for U.S. imperialism, the re-issue of Sidney Lens' book The Forging of the American Empire couldn't come at a more appropriate time.


Not next month or next year...
Why we say U.S. out now!
As long as the occupation of Iraq continues, the greater the death and misery--whether imposed by the U.S. directly or given a fresh UN cover. That's why we call for an end to the occupation--the withdrawal of all U.S. and foreign troops from Iraq--now.

With "raving liberals" like this...
Enthusiastic crowds turned out to hear Howard Dean, seeing in the frontrunning Democratic presidential contender a clear alternative to Bush's policies of war and corporate greed. But they should take a closer look.


Oppose California's racist referendum
Vote no on Prop 54!
California's right-wingers are at it again. A new initiative--the deceptively titled "Racial Privacy Initiative," known as Proposition 54—is being pushed by those who claim racism is a thing of the past.

Chief justice of Alabama is no picked-upon "little guy"
A fanatic with an agenda of bigotry
Amid howls of outrage from right-wingers, a two-ton monument bearing the Ten Commandments was removed from the rotunda of the Alabama state judicial building.

"We want justice for Mario"
Protesters demonstrated at the state capital in Arizona to draw attention to the police murder of a 15-year-old Latino in Mesa.


Source of the latest violence
Israel escalates its bloody war
The latest escalation of violence by Israel has wrecked a two-month-old cease-fire and is driving the conflict to the brink of an all-out war.

U.S. steps up the pressure on North Korea
Bush's nuclear roulette
International talks over North Korea's nuclear weapons program ended in Beijing last week in a continued stalemate--mainly because the Bush administration refuses to promise that it won't attack the North.

An appeal for your solidarity from Egypt...
Facing prison for opposing war
Five antiwar activists in Egypt are facing years of imprisonment for the "crime" of protesting the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Let them drink pesticides in India
Drinking Coke or Pepsi can be hazardous to your health. Especially if you live in India.


Is a Democrat the antiwar choice?
Of all the issues on which the 2004 presidential election will turn, none is likely to be more momentous than the issue of U.S. foreign policy.


CWA and IBEW keep union members in the dark during talks
Concessions at Verizon?
A Verizon worker asks tough questions about the union leadership concerning ongoing contract negotiations at the phone giant.

Strikers at Congress Hotel organize civil disobedience
Twenty protesters were arrested on Labor Day in a strong show of solidarity with striking workers at this downtown Chicago hotel. So why have some unions continued to keep their membership working during the strike?

On the picket line
Tyson; Vermont nurses; Washington ferry workers; Cone Mills' White Oak


News and reports
Stop police brutality; Military Families Speak Out; Anti-occupation teach-in; Protest George Bush


The sick reality of Washington's welfare "deform"
Blaming the victims
You know it's a messed-up world when the wealth and power of the Bush family is enough to prove the "intelligence" and personal worth of George W. Bush--but he's allowed to assess the potential of poor people.

Letters to the editor
Sexism is a real issue for women; The lengths they went to for oil and empire; Gay rights not "as seen on TV"; Consumers share the blame


Coal and the workers who risk their lives for it
Underground economy
Two new books look at the impact of coal on industrial society and the people who lived and died mining it.

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