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September 19, 2003 | Issue 468


Killing and looting in Iraq...Shredding civil liberties...Robbing workers blind
Wanted for crimes at home and abroad
If George W. Bush and his friends in Washington weren't in charge of enforcing the law, they would be wanted by the law--for the crimes of murder, mayhem, robbery and more.

Sharon cabinet plans "removal" of Yassar Arafat
Israel's killers on a rampage
The Middle East was on the brink of war again after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's security cabinet passed a resolution vowing to "remove" Arafat "in a manner and at a time which will be decided afterwards."


Debating the elections:
Who should we be for in 2004?
More than a year before the vote, left-wing publications are already filled with discussions about Election 2004. Here, Socialist Worker prints two viewpoints from Norman Solomon and Sharon Smith.

NORMAN SOLOMON: We have a responsibility to work to defeat Bush

SHARON SMITH: The Democrats don't deserve our support

Member of Military Families Speak Out:
"They're asking our kids to fight and die"
Lou Plummer served in the North Carolina National Guard, and his son is serving in the Navy in the Gulf. He talked to Socialist Worker about Military Families Speak Out.

Why the antiwar movement should demand...
U.S. troops out now!
The solution for Iraqis cannot come from above, through the mechanism of one or another combination of imperialist powers, but through the struggle of ordinary Iraqis themselves.


White House on the defensive over occupation of Iraq
Is this Bush's Vietnam?
As high as Bush was riding in the aftermath of the war, Washington's imperial arrogance is producing the ingredients that could bring him down.

Dictating terms to the world's poor
The collapse of WTO talks highlighted the crisis of corporate globalization--and the determination of the U.S., Europe and Japan to squeeze poor countries harder anyway.


Soldiers' crisis looms for the Pentagon
Four months after George Bush declared "combat operations" in Iraq over, American troops are facing regular guerrilla attacks, while carrying out an occupation that has no end in sight.

Senate votes to stop new rules from going into effect
Bush's overtime scam stopped
The Bush administration's plan to boost employers' profits by ending overtime pay for millions of workers has hit the skids--at least temporarily.

Rents grow out of reach for working poor
Unaffordable housing
There's not a single state in the entire nation where people with low incomes can find affordable housing, according to a new report.

Haliburton lines its pockets
Cheney's old pals rake in contracts
The crooks at Dick Cheney's old company, Halliburton, had more on their minds than "nation-building" when they set their sights on Pentagon contracts to "rebuild" Iraq.

A DNA deadline in Florida
Prisoners in Florida are in a race against time as an October 1 deadline for DNA testing approaches.


The real obstacle to Middle East peace
Recent weeks have proven that the real obstacle to peace in the Middle East is the state of Israel, not militant Palestinian organizations like Hamas.

A Democrat with blood on his hands
The prospect of a Gen. Wesley Clark candidacy for the Democratic nomination has found support among people who should know better.


10,000 rally in support of strikers at Yale University
"We're speaking up"
The labor movement descended on Yale University September 13 to teach Yale President Richard Levin a thing or two about solidarity.

Talking union at Labor Notes
The Labor Notes conference in Detroit attracted rank-and-file activists from a range of unions and featured labor leaders and activists from Latin America and Europe.

On the picket line
DaimlerChrysler; Grand Hyatt Hotel; Long Island University; St. Peter Hospital; Bon Macy's


Antiwar activism is back to school
School is back in session, and so is the student antiwar movement.

News of our struggle
Stop the WTO; Protest John Ashcroft; New York University


More compensation for CEOs who rip off workers
Rewarding the job cutters
CEOs are being rewarded with big payoffs--for ripping off their workers and squeezing every dime they can out of their companies!

NYC's Harvey Milk School deserves support
It does not make sense to counterpose the existence of a school oriented for gays and lesbians to the fight to free all schools from homophobia.

Letters to the editor
Hit hard by tuition hikes; Missing from the D.C. march; Why are you against Clinton?; "Taking it out on workers' backs"; Correction and clarification


Photos and stories of death row innocents
Scene of the crime
The Innocents features photographs and interviews with 45 men and women who share the common experience of wrongful convictions for crimes they did not commit.

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