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August 20, 2004 | Issue 509


Whoever wins in November...
We have to fight the Bush agenda
Inside their convention, the Republicans will celebrate war and greed. Outside, hundreds of thousands of people will have a different message: We say no to the Bush agenda of empire and corporate power.

Resistance grows across all of Iraq
The revolt against Bush's occupation
The U.S. drive to win a quick victory against Moktada al-Sadr by surrounding and killing his militia fighters in Najaf has backfired, sparking rebellion across Iraq.


The case against "Anybody But Bush"
Should we vote for the pro-war, pro-occupation, pro-USA PATRIOT Act, pro-NAFTA, anti-gay marriage Democrat? Socialist Worker answers the arguments of the "Anybody But Bush" progressives.

Cobb or Nader:
Where are the Greens headed?
SW reports on discontent among Green Party members over the nomination of David Cobb as the party's presidential candidate--and efforts to put the independent campaign of Ralph Nader on the ballot instead.


Chávez triumphs over U.S.-backed opposition
Venezuela defeats the coupmakers
The big victory of Hugo Chávez in the presidential recall vote has once again frustrated the country's opposition and its backers in Washington. But where is Venezuela headed now?

Battle for Najef exposes crisis of the U.S. occupation
What's behind the growing resistance
With millions of Iraqis saying that they are worse off than they were under Saddam--living amid stagnant pools of sewage, without power or clean drinking water--anger at the U.S. continues to climb.

In the richest country in the world...
The hidden housing crisis
If George W. Bush gets his way, the crisis of affordable housing will get even worse, and tens of thousands more people could end up on the street.


Republican convention organizers try to silence dissent
We're right to protest
As Republicans attempt to further the lie that they are bringing democracy around the world, convention organizers are doing everything in their power to silence dissenting voices at home.


California Supreme Court overturns gay marriages
"Back to being not quite equal"
The California Supreme Court struck down San Francisco's same-sex marriages, declaring that some 4,000 weddings between gays and lesbians performed earlier this year are null and void.

Pardoned death row prisoner arrested
Targeted by the Feds
Chicago police and prosecutors are taking revenge--by arresting pardoned death row prisoner Aaron Patterson on drug and weapons charges.

Leaving teachers behind
The results of a new study confirm what most teachers already know--school districts cry broke when it comes to teacher pay and classroom resources, but open the coffers for superintendents and the central office.

Election victory for a bigot in Tennessee
"Obviously these ideas would be described as racist by anybody in 2004 America." That is James Hart, winner of a Republican primary for a Congressional seat in Tennessee--describing his own views.


How the drug companies protect the bottom line
Profits come before patients
Recent opinion polls show that Americans regard the pharmaceutical industry with roughly the same level of contempt as Big Tobacco. This comparison is remarkably astute: Both are murderers.

What passes for "independence"
That giant sucking sound around election time is the "progressive independents" stampeding toward the Democratic moderate as the only "realistic" choice.

Inside the System
What would Jesus do?; Going for the gold...and the green; Heard it through the grapevine


Rank and file says no to concessions in second contract vote
UAW rejects Cat's "final" offer
United Auto Workers members at four different Caterpillar factories in central Illinois voted "no" on the latest insult passing as a contract offer from the heavy equipment manufacturing giant.

SF hotel workers want two-year deal and no copays
"They make money, but we're the nuts and bolts"
Chanting "Contract now!" 700 members of UNITE HERE Local 2 rallied in front of the Four Seasons hotel to demand a decent contract for hotel workers throughout the city.

On the picket line
Seattle-area grocery workers; Macy's; Pace University


Iraq war vets form new antiwar group
George W. Bush has a new reason to be worried about the faltering U.S. occupation of Iraq. In late July, a group of veterans announced the founding of Iraq Veterans Against the War.

News and reports
Marriage is a civil right; Chicano Moratorium Movement; Protest Bush


Democrats block Nader from the California ballot
Our fight is far from over
I've just heard that Ralph Nader will more than likely be kept off the ballot in California. This is a setback but we can keep making noise and ask the tough questions Kerry and Bush don't want to hear.

Don't dismiss labor's New Unity Partnership
While SW's coverage of the New Unity Partnership is no doubt correct that a labor revival will come only come through a militant rank-and-file movement, the question remains: What do unions do in the meantime?

Other letters
The horror of a rotten system; Spreading the Iraqi resistance; Why did Nader disappear?; Palestinians' fight for justice; The poverty that statistics ignore


Not your parents'Manchurian Candidate
A paranoid thriller for paranoid times
Unlike the 1962 Cold War classic that centered on a Moscow-Beijing conspiracy, director Jonathan Demme's remake is a ferocious attack on the corporate domination of U.S. politics.

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