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June 10, 2005 | Issue 547


Bush and Co.'s campaign of lies to justify abuse
Masters of deception
Besieged by evidence detailing U.S. war crimes at detention centers at Guantánamo Bay, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are showing signs of fraying at the edges.

Iraq's nightmare grows worse under the U.S. occupation
"People can only take so much"
A savage crackdown in Baghdad carried out by the U.S. military and its Iraqi allies has added to the suffering of the people U.S. officials claim to be "liberating."


Mass protests force president to resign
Is Bolivia on the edge of revolution?
Tom Lewis explains the background to the mass demonstrations that forced Bolivian President Carlos Mesa to resign--and weighs the prospects for revolution in Bolivia.

The U.S. dominates the global trade in guns, bombs and missiles
Arms dealer to the world
The world arms trade is a booming business. But if you think that the biggest seller of the world's weapons is a "rogue" nation, guess again.

What Watergate showed us about the political system
Crooked from top to bottom
The unmasking of Deep Throat serves as a reminder of the depths of corruption, deceit and ruthless ambition among the people who run the U.S. government.


CAFTA trade deal sparks struggle across Central America
Resisting the bosses' free-trade agenda
A proposal to extend NAFTA southward has triggered mass opposition in Central America--and could even be in trouble in the U.S. Congress as well.

Democrats are united in retreat
The Democratic Party establishment was up in arms about Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean. Why? He criticized the Republicans.


The Feds' witch-hunt of Sami Al-Arian goes to court
Show trial in Florida
After more than two years in prison, Sami Al-Arian finally went on trial in Tampa, Fla., this week. There's little chance, however, that he will get a fair trial.

Benderman faces new trial
Sgt. Kevin Benderman will again face a general court-martial for the crime of resisting the U.S. war machine.


Ford-Visteon deal marks new defeat for UAW
The retreat by the United Auto Workers (UAW) turned into a full-scale rout with a deal that will pave the way for massive cuts in wages for 17,500 auto parts workers.

Labor in brief
United Airlines; Chicago teachers


Parents force Seattle school superintendent to back down
Not one school will close!
Seattle schools Superintendent Raj Manhas buckled to public pressure and scrapped a proposal to close 10 public schools in the 2005-2006 year.

News and reports
Defend the CCNY Four; Stop the bigots; Stop U.S. weapons of mass destruction; Free Palestine; Bring the troops home now


Teamster reformer Mark Serafinn is under attack
Fight for honest unions
A union reformer appeals for support in his fight against corrupt officials in the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

The truth about Pat Tillman
Patrick Tillman is furious about the Army's lies and cover-ups surrounding the death of his famous son Pat.

Views in brief
A sick health care system; Missed the force of Sith, SW did; The insanity of "stop-loss"; A reasonable exit strategy


Three kids and Brian the talking dog
Just your ordinary all-American family
No one--not even the Pope--is spared from the searing satire dished out each episode on the animated TV sitcom Family Guy.

Working poor take center stage
Joan Holden's adaptation of Barbara Ehrenreich's best-selling book about the working poor makes for powerful theater.

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