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Sympathy for a sad loss

August 3, 2007 | Page 6

Dear friends and family of Joshua Brand,
I never knew Joshua, but I've been reading Socialist Worker for nearly three years. I felt moved by your loss and knew that I had to write in ("In memory of Joshua Brand," July 6).

In memory of Josh

THE LOSS of Joshua Brand, a dedicated fighter in the struggle for a better world, was a blow to our movement and to those who knew and loved him.

The Center for Economic Research and Social Change, publisher of Haymarket Books, is accepting donations in memory of Josh to support Haymarket, a project that Josh supported and saw as important to our struggle.

If you would like to contribute, please send checks payable to CERSC (with "In memory of Josh Brand" written in the memo line) to: CERSC, P.O. Box 258082, Chicago, IL 60625. For more information, call 773-583-7884.


I'm so very sorry to hear about his passing and I wanted to express my deepest sympathy. He sounded like a beautiful soul. I especially wanted to express my sympathy to Jenni Rowe. Her letter broke my heart. I'm so very, very sorry for your loss.

Personally, I think a great way to honor his memory would be to write that article for the International Socialist Review in his memory. Do what your heart tells you, but I think it's a good idea.

I'm finally going home soon, and once home, I'll be joining the International Socialist Organization. I'll fight for a better world in which people will be treated better and taken care of.

With deepest empathy,
Christopher Henderson, Low Security Correctional Institution, Butner, N.C.

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