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SW Online's ongoing coverage and analysis
The crisis in Haiti
Crisis and struggle in Haiti
Haiti's history
U.S. imperialism and Latin America
Background to Latin America's crisis
Haiti's election upheaval
Big protests against the coup regime
United Nations peacekeeping troops opened fire on huge protests in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince this week as anger escalated over allegations of a rigged presidential vote.
Since the U.S. coup that toppled Aristide one year ago...
Haiti's year of terror
George Bush promised that the U.S. would bring democracy to Haiti. One year later, more than 3,000 people are dead, and the right wing is on the rampage.
Why did Aristide fall?
Jean-Bertrand Aristide arose as a leader of the mass movement against dictatorship in Haiti--but his compromises with U.S. imperialism helped set the stage for his overthrow.
Amy Goodman on the U.S. role in Haiti's coup
The killers that Washington backs
Amy Goodman, host of the left-wing radio show Democracy Now! exposes the U.S. government's lies about Haiti, and how the corporate media have uncritically spread them.
U.S. topples Aristide
Bush's coup in Haiti
The U.S. has ousted Haiti's President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, adding another victim to the long list of democratically elected foreign leaders overthrown by the U.S.
Author Robert Fatton on the background to the crisis
"A war waged on the Aristide regime"
U.S.-connected businessmen and military thugs behind the opposition
How Washington set the stage for Haiti's uprising
If the anti-Aristide opposition succeeds in its aim of ousting Haiti's president, they will try to turn back the clock to the days when military officers and paramilitary gangs ruled Haiti through terror.
Killer floods hit Gonaïves
Unnatural roots of Haiti's disaster
As many as 2,500 people may be dead in Haiti, and hundreds of thousands face starvation after a heavy storm tore across the country. But this nightmare has roots which are anything but natural.
Why the U.S. is responsible for poverty and tyranny in Haiti
Haiti: Crushed by U.S. power
The history of Haiti includes both brutal oppression--much of it stemming from the role of U.S. imperialism--and heroic resistance.
Desperate Haitian boat refugees thrown behind bars by the Feds
"It broke my heart"
The pictures were gut wrenching--dozens of people risking their lives by running across a Florida freeway and begging motorists to take them to safety. And instead of being welcomed into the "land of the free," these immigrants have been thrown in U.S. immigration detention centers.
Thirty years after the end of the Vietnam War
The fall of Saigon
On April 30, 1975, the U.S.-backed government in Saigon collapsed, ending three decades of war in Vietnam and serving the U.S. its greatest military defeat ever.
John Negroponte: Washington's dirty warrior
The U.S. government's dirty war on Central America in the 1980s has become a model for the administration's policy in Iraq and the Middle East.
The long and bloody history of imperial conquest
The truth about empire
A growing chorus of right-wing ideologues is encouraging Washington to take pride in being a world superpower. But this project depends on erasing the bloody history of imperial conquest.
History of U.S. violence across the globe
Washington's war crimes
When George W. Bush announced that the U.S. bombing campaign against Afghanistan had begun, he declared, "We are a peaceful nation." Not exactly. Here is a partial time line of America's imperialist adventures--and the tragic toll they've taken.
Report from the anti-FTAA protest
Defying the police state in Miami
"Welcome to the police state of Miami." That's Florida AFL-CIO President Cynthia Hall's greeting to thousands of union members arriving for a protest against the FTAA.
Preparing to protest in Miami
Why we oppose the FTAA
Thirty-four countries with 800 million people--all under Uncle Sam's thumb. That's the essence of the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas.
Eyewitness report from Porto Alegre
Building the fight for another world
Some 100,000 people participated in the third World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, as part of the movement to build an alternative to a world dominated by economic crisis and war.
Latin America suffers the consequences of "neoliberalism"
Pushed to the edge by the IMF
U.S.-backed free-market policies have caused economic crisis to spread from one end of Latin America to the other.
One billion malnourished because...
Profits come first
Nearly 1 billion people suffer from hunger around the globe, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. But the not-so-free market has no answers for the world's hungry.
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