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Socialist Worker published its 500th issue on May 21, 2004. Find out more about the history of SW, the rich tradition of publishing left-wing and socialist newspapers--and our plans for spreading the socialist alternative to a bigger and bigger audience:
Socialists and the revolutionary newspaper
Newspapers of the movement
Our goals for Socialist Worker
A new era for Socialist Worker
Over the coming couple months, Socialist Worker has some major changes planned for our paper and our Internet editions.
A message from Socialist Worker
Celebrating our 500th
Socialist Worker has strived to be a source of information like no other. But we want to do something more--to not only show what's wrong with the world, but encourage more people to take action to change it.
From the editor of Socialist Worker
A voice for our side
When Socialist Worker announced our plan to begin publishing weekly in October, we said that the pace of political events was developing rapidly, faster than a biweekly newspaper could keep up with. Little did we know.
Lenin and the socialist paper
"Learn, propagandize, organize" were the watchwords for the workers' newspaper that the Russian revolutionary Lenin was committed to publishing.
Lenin: Where to Begin
This essay by Lenin, written in 1903, makes the case for the central role of the revolutionary newspaper as a propagandist, agitator and organizer.
A socialist newspaper to fight for our side
The role of the mainstream press, to quote Karl Marx, is to reflect "the ruling ideas of society." New York Times journalist John Swinton put it more colorfully at his retirement party.
Howard Zinn on:
Voice of the U.S. socialist movement
Howard Zinn is a veteran activist and the author of A People's History of the United States. He talked to Socialist Worker about the socialist press at the turn of the 20th century.
Newspapers of the Black liberation movement
"Speaking for the oppressed"
The most important revolutionary organizations of the African American radicalization of the 1960s made their newspapers central to their activity.
"A movement has to control its own voice"
Dan Georgakas, co-author of the book Detroit: I Do Mind Dying, talks about the vital role that newspapers played during the organizing of the 1960s Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement.
Building the struggle against slavery
The abolitionists and their papers
The terrible crime of slavery in the U.S. South is at least taught in high school history classes. But the struggle to end slavery--launched decades before the Civil War began--gets little attention.
How we use Socialist Worker
"Connecting us to what we can do"
We asked Socialist Worker readers and sellers in the ISO about how they use the paper at work and on campus.
Why we sell Socialist Worker
The revolutionary newspaper is a central weapon in the arsenal of those fighting for a better world.
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