Rotten to the Whole Foods core

March 1, 2011

IN RESPONSE to "What smells at Whole Foods?": I currently work for Whole Foods. I have been there for about four months now. The company is not what it is cracked up to be. Never have I been treated so poorly at any job.

I have had a member from store leadership tell me "no one is holding a gun to my head to work here." When I had mentioned needing reasonable accommodation for my Attention Deficit Disorder, I was shot down the first time because he "didn't want to deal with the paperwork."

When I spoke to someone else about it, I was told that there was no time to accommodate me--it's not how things work here, we have too many employees, etc.

I have been written up because I am not fast enough. Part of the problem with my learning disability is that I need visual aides to help me stay on track, and not having them slows me down. So, essentially, I have been written up for being learning disabled.

I still have no idea if I have been "voted on" (every employee has to be voted onto the "team"), which I should have known three weeks after starting. I have been told to "lower my standards because no one here cares" pertaining to food safety. Someone was written up for even mentioning how they missed working for a union.

I am not entirely sure how this company is so great to work for. I have only been there for a few months, and I am already seeking a new job.

I wanted to thank you for writing this article. It helped open my eyes to issues I did not think of and confirmed feelings I already have.

On a side note: Almost all my coworkers would like to have a union, but we act like we don't in order to keep our jobs. One guy mentioned it and was fired almost immediately.
Anonymous, from the Internet

Further Reading

From the archives